Of course it is true. The higher you price an item, the better the quality becomes.....Or not.
The Value Equation keeps us sane and smart. Quality ÷ Price = Value.
The Value Equation keeps us sane and smart. Quality ÷ Price = Value.
Who thinks $5K speaker cable really better than generic 14AWG cable?
dynaquest410 posts12-31-2016 7:59amAs an aside, Note that if you HAVE spent mega-bucks on interconnects or speaker cables, there is not a chance in hell that you (on this forum) would EVER change you mind that THAT purchase must have made your system sound better - even if you cannot hear it. It is called the audio placebo effect. If you put out the big-bucks on cables, a better sub a DAC or just about any component, once you get it installed your system WILL sound better. Crazy-expensive cabeling is proof positive that, on some products, if you overcharge you will sell more to the duped masses. Some time ago, I replaced the Kimber (speaker) cables that came with a slightly used pair of B&W 803's with a 20 dollar set of Monoprice cables. I had no way to do a "blind" A/B test but after I switched them out those 803's continued to sweetly sing...no difference that I could tell. |
there is a number of issues to be considered when talking about cables. yes, 14AWG can be used but is it transporting all frequencies properly or is it acting as a cheap 'tone control' for an expensive system? how 'fast' are the cables as high transmission (or propagation) speed results in fast transients and high level of details. transmission speed depends on dielectric used and geometry of cables and differences can be quite significant. does your environment needs shielding - how 'noisy' it is and are there issues with static electricity, etc. some people spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on 'cable lifters' and similar gadgets instead of getting shielded cables to start with. these are just some of the issues 'good' cable manufacturers have to deal with, and this is not to say there aren't inflated prices and gimmicks in this industry. look for good science and good reviews on manufacturer's sites. |