Opinions Please - New Prodduction Sophia EL34ST Coke Bottle

If you use these tubes, have used these tubes or have had the opportunity to hear these tubes, I would be interested in what attributes you think this tube posses with respect to sound stage / image, bass control, hi and low extension, balance, tone, dynamics, etc; maybe in comparison to other EL34 types. Please also note the amp in use and tubes in use (brand, opposed to stock tubes) prior to use of the Sophia EL34. Please advise of any tube you have compared to the Sophia and liked better or didn't like as much and reasoning.
Thank You
Hi I am curious also particularly any comparisons to Gold Lion KT77's,  my EL34 variant of choice.
@ jond

Have you heard Gold Lion KT77comparisons to any of the Psvane or Black Treasure line that Grant Fidelity imports. I had the GL KT77's operating in a pair of Primaluna PL 7's, and  remembering liking there qualities.
I am considering upgrading the current JJ E34L tubes operating in my Ars Sonus Filarmonia, hence the Sophia inquire. Since there around $500.00 for a quad, I was hoping to get some opinions here on AG.
What ever I find out, I will pass along. I contacted Sophia regarding there construction and where they manufactured, only to get a response on how the tube was in great demand and on a month back order. Normally my pursuit would be minimized after a factory response like that, but I once owned a 274B mesh plate that I substituted for a Russian 5AR4 in a Woo Headphone amp and the improvement in SQ was everything I was hoping for and well worth the cost. In addition to my experience with the above referenced rectifier, I would like to hear opinions of others who have heard the EL34 tube.


Brad I have a quad of Psvane EL34's it was the Phillips Holland replica version they make and I found the tubes to be too bright for my tastes. The Gold Lion KT77 has bettered any other EL34 tube I've tried JJ's Winged C, Mullard reproductions to name a few. I haven't messed around with super expensive NOS tubes but the Gold Lion is the best current production EL34 variant I've used. My amp is a PP stereo amp made by Deja Vu Audio, a pair of power tubes per channel putting out 17 wpc triode wired in Class A. I used three 60's era Sylvania 6SN7GTB's up front and a 60s RCA 5AR4 rectifier tube. I hope someone does chime in on the Sophias they sound interesting.