VPI Scout or GEM Dandy PolyTable

Currently I have a Thorens TD-150 with a Rega RB-202 tonearm and 2M Bronze cart.
It is a great setup, but for 2017 I would like to upgrade my TT. Currently I am looking at either the VPI Scout or the GEM Dandy PolyTable with Jelco SA-750D Tonearm.

The PolyTable clocks in at $1795.
The VPI Scout clocks in at $2199.


Be interested to hear what everyone thinks.


No VTA Adjustment.
Forget, also have done a Cardas cable upgrade to the tonearm cable.
I’ll take a look at tonearm options.

@mb1audio02 just a vapor barrier and earth. I am on 2x14 floor joists every 12’
If your VTA is good you can just shim it in the future, if you replace the cartridge. The rewiring is another smart move on your part.

Ok, so regarding the bouncy floor... what about throwing something like a Mapleshade or Ginkgo Cloud platform under the Thorens?
@raymonda I still might go with looking at a different table, going to test my brothers non-suspension table. If it does improve the footfall issues I have, then I will let you know and list my table here on A'gon.

I wouldn't discount the Polytable because of it's weight or use of polymers.  You get a great tonearm that makes cartridge swapping easy.  From an engineering standpoint, a non-metallic chassis is not necessarily a bad thing.