PS Audio BHK 300 mono VS Modwright KWA 150SE mono VS D'agostino Classic stereo

What would you consider the best option of these 3 to build a reference level system.
Any experience with these amps would be appreciated.
I'm also considering higher end gear but if budget does not allow i will stick to these 3 options.

Good point in regard to long term listening and living with a component. A short term home audition is useful and beats no opprotuhnity to audition. Thieliste can achieve some degree of valuable insight with the Aelius paired with his Thiels. 
scar972 i've been looking for you to have your opinion on the D'agostino Classic stereo as you're probably the only owner on this forum.
Can it compete with some much bigger boys quality wise ?
What kind of preamp should i consider with this kind of amp if i don't go the hybrid's route ?
I've been looking at the Dartzeel NBH-18NS with phono stage on the SS side or the VAC Signature MKlla with phono stage on the tube side.
Source wise there should be no problem as i'm heading towards the Totaldac d1-Twelve + server (4 box version).

With a source of the Totaldac d1Twelve’s quality, that’s an excellent start for the signal pathway. I can vouch for the VAC Signature preamplifier. A good friend owned it for 4 years and I heard it over hundreds of hours during that period. It is a true top tier component.  iit  "makes music " if you know what I mean.
Yes Charles VAC makes some of the finest tube linestage out there.
The only brand that i can think of that could surpass the VACs is Robert Koda but out of reach for most of us.
French reviewer Joel Chevassus  I believe introduced the Totaldac to the public with his 6 Moons review a few years ago. He did an Audiophile-magazine. com review comparison of the Swiss Nagra Jazz and Canadian Coincident Statement Line Stages.  He was "highly" impressed with both.  It'd be interesting to know his thoughts of these two vs the VAC Signature preamplifier. 