adapter plate jelco sa-370h tone arm technics sl 1200mkIII install

I have purchased a Jelco sa-370 & need to mount on a Technics SL 1200 mkIII does any one know where to find an adapter plate for this tone arm or do I just use original Technics adapter plate? do people fabricate these?
You may want to reach out to KAB USA, who are TECHNICS 1200 specialists.  Not sure if they offer consulting services, but it is worth the call.


I have seen some Jelco adapter plates on ebay for the SL1200.  Your arm seems to have the same mounting distance as a 
According to this website, the Jelco SA-370h doesn't have the same mount as the current 750 series. I've found plates for the 750 series but so far, not for the SA-370h.
I have tried KAB, Isonoe who don't don't make adapter plates for this model any one of a custom metal fabrication company who can do this