Power cord replacement suggestions

If i were to delve into the fanatic behavior of replacing power cords, is there some concensus on where the most impact would be gained, whether on source, pre, or amp, or is it just different for every system and need to experiment. Thanks for any advice.

You might get a more specific answer to your question if you were to list the audio equipment you use, including a power conditioner or outlet strip if you use them.
The system consists of ayre 5 exmp cd and pre, and a pliniuc sa250 amp. No power conditioner. It was more of a general question of whether it's generaly best on source, pre,or amp, but if someone can make recommendations specific to this, than all that much better. Thanks
@droleg, in your system I'd start with the cdp, preamp, amp last. I've owned several Plinius amps and currently own a Pliunius SA Reference.
Does anyone have any experience with the mad scientist power cord, good or bad? I dont have the time or financial resources to try umpteen different brands, so would love to hear from people with experience.
In my experience, power cord change at the source makes the biggest difference.  I started out with my dac and the difference was huge.  Then I changed the power cord on the amp, and there were noticeable differences, but not as big as the dac.