OK, I'm still going to save this thread and come back to it in 2010 when I think we will all be discussing what our download speeds are, and how good are the DAC's we use to decode our AppleLossless/WAV/FLAC files (and vinyl still of course), and BluRay will be a distant memory. But..... I actually didn't know that Playstation 3 also supports SACD, in fact, it was not easy to find that on the internet. Since it does, I may sell my 1 yr old BluRay player that I never use and buy a PS3. I'm not a gamer, but I have 3 kids who would love it, and I could play DVD's/SACD's/BluRay/Games/CD's that sounds pretty good.
I am assuming since it's a Sony the SACD play back is good? Can I use just the R & L analog outputs for SACD or do I have to go through the HDMI cable?