11 Amps, 1 TV, 3 Components...1 Receptacle Help

I've been checking the forums and the web for info for days, and now I'm mostly just confused, I think. First, here's what I'm working with. It's 7.1 channel.
Rotel RSX-1065 - Front 3 channels powering Def Tech BP2000 and CLR2000 Tweeters.
Bryston 4B-ST - powering BP2000 mid/woofer, Woofer also needs plugged in.
Rotel RMB-1066 in 3 channel mode - powering CLR2000 mid and Def Tech BPX CenterBack speakers.
Carver A760x - powering Def Tech Powermonitor 500 rear speakers, woofers need plugged in.(these are good where they are plugged in)
Buttkicker BKA-10004A - powering 2 LFE units.
2 Velodyne F1800R Subs - stacked in front right corner.
Pioneer PD-F727 Mega Changer 300 disc.
Sony DVD player. (older model soon to be a blu-ray player)
Dish Network sat box
Then, My TV. I got a ten year old RCA that will soon be a 50 inch HDTV. Money's already in the bank! I also have set of Infinity Overture 3's that I listen to music with, (I just pull the tweeter's wires from the BP2000's and plug them into the Overtures, and leave the Bryston off) and I would like to have these plugged in as well. Now, my question. I need to plug all of these in, and I only really have 1 outlet thats close enough to use. Other outlets in the room are too far away and I end up with a ground loop anyway when I use them. I tried two of the Monster units (HTS-5000 and 5100 Pro) and they turned the sound to crap, (I should have listened!) so I'm not sure what one from Panamax or APC will do to the sound. They did lose the hum though. Also, I've noticed that power strips aren't recommended, but I'm not sure why. I would like to have surge protection, but not at the expense of sound quality. I've read about dedicated 20 amp circuits too, and I'm prepared to rewire my room if it will solve some of these problems, but I'm not sure I completely understand what this entails. I do have a good idea though. I want to do this right the first time, so after lots of research I thought I would ask the people who have been there already. What would be the correct course of action here, to end up with a hum free, non-power-starved, and hopefully surge protected HT system? I was thinking about running 3 or 4 dedicated 20A outlets, (not sure how much this will cost) so I could plug the RSX-1065 and 4 power amps directly into the wall, and then use high quality power strips for the rest. But, that still leaves out surge protection. See, I don't know what to do. As far as budget goes, I guess I'll spend whatever it takes, but hopefully less than a grand or so. Any help from the 'Gon Forums would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

It is unlikely that all of that will be happy on a single 15A line, especially if your new HDTV sucks power. OTOH, it may be possible, with an ammeter, to find out what all those things draw.

That said, running 2-3 new 20A lines from the breaker box is probably a great idea. (Why not? I did it.)

As for surge protection, that depends on what you want. The best protection is, honestly, installed at the breaker box by the electrician at the same time as he adds the new lines. It may not look as sexy as a stack of Panamax/APC boxes but it is a better investment.

Kal is right. You can have a whole house surge protection unit installed by your electrician or possibly even by your power provider. Here in Cincinnati, Duke Energy offers whole house protection. I think it is installed outside the house at the meter.

After that, do whatever you want with the power deliver options. Certainly spreading the load across a two or more dedicate circuits would be a good idea.

I went out and got myself 250 feet of 12/2 with ground Romex, (Or, should I use 10 gauge?) two triple outlet boxes, and 6 Hubble spec grade receptacles and covers. I have about a week until my breakers get here. I'm going to make 6 seperate runs of about 30 feet from the breaker box to each outlet. I will run each of the 6 bare ground wires individually to the ground bar. Each outlet will have it's own 20 amp breaker. Will running the ground wires this way give me a ground loop hum? It doesn't seem like it should, but this is the first time I've undertaken such a task, and I'm not really sure. Will this setup completely protect my equipment from interference (surges, sags, etc.) originating from inside my home? (like when the A/C kicks on) I then plan to go with the whole house surge protector route. Either from the power company, or I could pick one up on Ebay. What does everyone here recommend? Is my plan kosher, or is there something that I have missed?