"Harder" cartridge recomendation

After some time with EMT TSD15SPH, which is basically my first serious cart (along with it's EMT930 platform and 929 arm), I comeback to the question of finding something faster, "harder", more transparent perhaps but I do like "bigger sound". I'm mounting a second arm on 930: SME3012R and I'm looking for a fast cart in 1-1.2kEU range. Phono is a diy 834 with Tribute nano crystal SUT's.

I've been looking at SPU Royal N, but IIRC EMT somehow derives from the SPU family, so it may or may not be what I have in mind.

Any opinions? Thanks,
Bydlo What ended up happening? Did the Decca provide you with sonic Nirvana?
or any of the others here remember what happened?
I absolutely hate it when you put all the time into reading an old thread and then the OP hasn't followed up and let everyone know how it's turned out!!
Yes I should have said that the OP in all of these type threads, has an obligation to announce their final choice!