Might check out some Zu Audio speakers. It seems a lot of rockers love them.
Doing some work on these now. Seems like all you hear about is the Soul Supreme. Anybody know the differences between that and the Omen Def MKII?
They are very efficient though so it is possible some hum would come through certain components.Thanks for the info. Helpful
I was looking over PSB's offerings and ran into Monitor Audio Golds.Have some work to do on these
I demoed the new Revel Concerta F36 and almost needed a Tylenol after one songI have read some similar comments on forums. Luckily I can hear these locally and drop if need be
I left some images under my profile so everyone can see what kind of room I am dealing with. A couple of notes: I can close the curtains on the front wall when listening. Back wall curtains can be closed but leaves approx 1 window exposed. Couch can be moved a bit back & front/back but not much. The Rogers are currently 3' from the front wall and approx 1.5' from the side walls. With the couch back against the rack I can get the speakers to 5' and in front of it which is what I would/plan to do for critical listening.
Thank you