Wilson Audio Haters

I've always wondered why there are so many people out there, that more than any other speaker manufacturer, really hate the Wilson line. I own Maxx 2's and also a pair of Watt Puppys. They are IMHO quite wonderful.

Why does Wilson get so much thrashing?


Darwin clearly has it mostly right. However there is more to it. I can’t explain here but in essence Darwin does explain much of what we see however there are surprising things we have only recently leaned about with viruses and DNA causing DNA to jump species. The extra element goes a long way in addressing the obvious short comings of Darwin.

just like Newtons laws worked well for most cases, Einstein fleshed out the theory further. I am not sure who will be credited with new evolutionary theories that extend Darwinism but I came up with novel concepts about 40 years ago to flesh out Darwinism and so far my hypotheses have been correct!
Shadorne, as you might guess I differ in my assessment of the purported success of Darwinism. Of course, jumping DNA doesn't work when there is no DNA to work with; there is not even close to a reasonable hypothesis of how DNA got here! The jumping DNA does nothing to resolve the problem of information and Origins. It's a sideshow, a distraction from admitting the failure of the theory. 

I do not intend on drawing out my discussion of this; I respect your and Randy's positions. My primary point is as that made by dlcockrum, what does this have to do with Wilson Speakers? I find that often threads are hijacked for purposes of getting some licks in on one's ideological opponents.   
I thought if I jump into a thread entitled "Wilson Audio Haters", by page 4 it would diverge into something very weird & convoluted, and the first post I read was about Darwinism and morphing DNA, lol!! :D
@melbguy1 , shhhhhh David, this is serious stuff!!
We are publicly psychoanalyzing Bo, and his obvious personality flaws.
We are right in the middle of deciding whether his overly zealous personality more closely resembles a religious zealot or a creationist zealot.

With no more interruptions, we should have this figured out in another few pages..... ;^)