I've always wondered why there are so many people out there, that more than any other speaker manufacturer, really hate the Wilson line. I own Maxx 2's and also a pair of Watt Puppys. They are IMHO quite wonderful.
I thought if I jump into a thread entitled "Wilson Audio Haters", by page 4 it would diverge into something very weird & convoluted, and the first post I read was about Darwinism and morphing DNA, lol!! :D
@melbguy1 , shhhhhh David, this is serious stuff!! We are publicly psychoanalyzing Bo, and his obvious personality flaws. We are right in the middle of deciding whether his overly zealous personality more closely resembles a religious zealot or a creationist zealot.
With no more interruptions, we should have this figured out in another few pages..... ;^)
Frankly, most threads on this site have marginal usefulness in terms of practical system building. They often go off the rails, typically by someone making a religious or political derogatory comment. That diminishes the value of the discourse even more.
jmcgrogan2, correction; deciding whether he resembles a Darwinist zealot or religious/creationist zealot. :)
It's time to turn my attention to important things. Blessings to all.
Ok back to Wilson. I like the Sasha’s a lot - not that they are the best speakers in the world but they are excellent hi-end speakers.
They are are much better than B&W IMHO! Sasha’s have few faults whereas B&W make some big fundamental errors as far as I am concerned.
And as for the latest and greatest - Wilson have seen countless latest and greatest fancy ceramic beryllium stuff come and go and no doubt there will be many more soon to be "has been" speakers promoted here - meanwhile Wilson will survive!
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