First off you can't ever say that one speaker blows the other out of the water. Many for YOUR ears, but not for other folksVery true
Some folks seem to like speakers that are tipped up on top or brighter. I've seen names of those types mentioned in this thread also.I suppose you are referring to Zu Audio, Tekton. Definitely want a non-fatiguing system. My room trends towards the bright side to my ears
I'll probably touch base with Johnny Rutan
Lot's of choices and if there is any way you can possibly audition to at least get to know what type of sound you like, it will help you in figuring it all outTrue but unless you are doing the demo in your room/with your equipment I'm not sure you can guarantee anything. But I will get out there and hear/see what I can. Might be able to eliminate some for sure
Thanks ctsooner
Salk Bud Fried tribute speakers are ExcellentNot sure I'm willing to go this way. If I was a huge Fried fan maybe. Thanks for the suggestion though
XTZ Divine AlphaDid a little research. Very limited info out there on these. Thanks though