12v triggered outlet?

Where can I get a audio level 12v triggered outlet. I want to use the 12v trigger to turn on my tube amps and sub(of course the amps and sub don't have a 12v trigger) so I need to switch power on to them.
Mitch2...There are so many ways to solve this problem! The most simple way is to use one of these remote control switches. However, the "handy switch" seen on TV is only rated for 300 watts. I have one from Home Depot that is good for 15 amps. I have used it to turn on and off a power amp lacking a trigger input and located in an inaccessible cellar. I could install a proper switch, or modify the amp to use the 12V trigger from the preamp, but the remote switch works fine, (and I am too lazy to improve on it).
I appreciate that I could use a remote power switch, but I would prefer to keep my amps plugged directly into their dedicated circuits, without a switch in the path. Therefore, I am looking for a solution to use the 12V trigger. Also, I don't want to turn the amps on every time the preamp comes on since I leave the preamp on much more of the time than the amps. Thanks for the ideas though.
I am in the exact same boat as Mitch2, as I don't want anything between my amps and the dedicated power outlet.
(And my Ayre K-1xe is always on, and all I have to do is unmute it, to bring it on-line.)

(And, I can't imagine that any of these sort of power switching units have audiophile grade components in them. And even if they did, why would I want to add another layer of electronics between my amp and the power source?!)

This seems like such a simple thing to have, I am surprised that none of the audiophile companies have produced such a device.
Hi Kurt,
I did contact Lamm, and received a response (which I will forward to you) but before implementing it I thought I might get some more insight here. I believe the "switched" approach is to simply run a 12V DC circuit between the two jacks on the back of the amps. When I get a chance over the holidays, I will give it a try and report back to you. Some here may not understand that the on/off switch for our Lamm amps is on the back, and somewhat difficult to reach. It is an expensive switch and it would be better turning the amps on/off using a remote switch. Not sure what amps Programmergeek has, and how the solution might apply to him.
Thanks Mitch2!

(And I did get your email. Actually, I had emailed Lamm something earlier this week too, but did not get a response from them, which is quite unusual, as they usually respond fairly quickly. Perhaps they thought your email was a followup to mine, and figured they were responding to the same person.)

Yeah, the switch is somewhat difficult to reach, and now that I have gone from the small, thin Audience AU24 speakers cables, to the large and wide Jena Labs Pathfinder cables, getting to that rear switch has gotten even more difficult.

I appreciate you trying this out and then getting back to me!