Looking for a Speaker Recommnedation

Looking to upgrade from my current Rogers LS3/5a + AB1 REL 328 setup .  While I love the smooth mids of these speakers (especially on voices/acoustic instruments), I tend to play harder music more frequently (alt/rock/punk/etc) which these do not excel at. I like to play music loud and have a real world living room my system is in (cathedral ceiling, open on one side, many windows. couch between my speakers) so setup is a challenge. I hate harsh sounding speakers.

My current playback system consists of a Oppo-BDP105 (or primarily Roon/JRiver via Ethernet) into a PS Audio DirectStream Jr DAC > Conrad Johnson Premier 14 Tube Pre > Conrad Johnson MF2500a Amp.  All run by a PS Audio P5 with a combination of Nordost/Shunyata cabling.

Looking to spend around $4,000-$7,000 but could be flexible. Used or new is fine.

Currently considering:

PSB Imagine T3
Vandersteen Trio CT
Spendor D7
Mangepan 3.7i (don't think this will work with high SPL)
Endeavor Audio E-3
Revel F208
Golden Ear Triton 1
Dynaudio Excite X44

Any other speakers I should be considering based on my equipment, volume preference and music? Anything I should eliminate?

Looking forward to hearing everyone's opinions & thank you in advance
Proac D30R or D48R used
That would work heinrichmilw

If you are in Mass. then it would behoove you to try to come down for an afternoon.
The Zu's are more direct and many like their reproduction for rock music
Good suggestion gdnrbob. Possible. Thanks for the Zu feedback as well. They are in the running

If you are in our neck of the woods New York/New Jersey we have quite a large number of speakers that are fantastic
Thanks Dave - If I go to audio connection I can probably piggyback this
Get those 148s. 

Very tempting sbrownnw.  Talking to him. It could be the end or a step towards where I end up. Should be able to sell them if need be. I think I have a buyer for my Rogers so I'll be without speakers soon.  Also tempted on some of the direct sales companies with return policies (Tekton, Spatial, Zu).
I did hear back from Clayton at Spatial and this was his comments regarding my situation/noise:
The MF2500a is rated at 100dB signal to noise ratio, so it is very quiet. Should be no issues with noise through the speakers. The system you describe would seem to be a very good setup for the M3. I don’t see any red flags at all.  Your placement plans are ideal as well.
Thanks all
Lots of good suggestions thus far. I just heard a pair of Prana Fidelity Fifty90. Excellent speakers - not harsh at all. Dip down into the upper 30sHz range. Easy to drive - heard them with a 25watt tube amp playing rock music - no problem. Seriously good sound.

Good luck with whatever you decide.
Hi ctsooner. Lot's of great advice/reminders in your post.

I'm going to e-mail/call Johnny at Audioconnection to start a dialog. Would really prefer a local dealer but we'll see how that conversation goes. Thank you
+1 for John R. I talked to him twice when I was looking for speakers and both times he talked me out of replacing what I have and asked me to focus on room treatment first. He even sent me some audio files/tones to help me accomplish what I needed. I know where to go now if/when I need audio gear, especially since his shop is only an hour away from our house.