Has used prices of gear droppd, due to economy

I am wondering if this is a good time to buy some used amps, maybe prices have come down?
And yet it is still a good time to buy (yes, used gear), as prices are generally down on the market. And also next year, you can likely bet prices will be down even more. Make of it what you wish.
I have to agree with Iplaynaked (although your screen name gives me the appropriate willies). I find it hard to feel bad and moved to tears buy the so-called "suffering" of people like the majority on these forums, and I include myself right in there, in spite of probably owning much less in audio equipment than the average A'gon-er. If our problem is that we can no longer enjoy the best stereo we could buy at one time, we do have it pretty good, don't you think? There are people who do not have any food on their table, yes, it sounds corny, but doesn't make it less true, THAT is sad. Me not being able to afford the $2500 speakers I think would go great with my Quad system, and having to part with my "second" system - not really so sad.