(2) What's the big deal about highlighting selling Raidhos? For example, there are about a dozen TOTEMs up for sale on AGON and almost 3 dozen pairs of Totems currently up for sale on Canuckaudiomart.
Many people either
(i) get bored with what they currently have, or
(ii) ultimately determine that a sonic performance change and an improvement can be had, or
(iii) logistical issues predicate a change (financial/new home/divorce/ new electronics/ listening area change)
(3) The RAIDHOs PROPERLY matched to supporting gear are among the very best top-shelf performers, bar none.
-- e.g. heard At the Toronto Audio Video Entertainment Show (TAVES) 2014 Show
-- Raidho D-2 speakers: partnered with Audia Flight, Bel Canto Design, Jeff Rowland, Sutherland, and Dr. Feikert Analogue electronics; or,
-- Raidho D-1 speakers: These standmounts are an appreciable step up from the older C-1.1s, and that is why I've seen numerous trade-ins to upgrade to these. Audio people talk of synergy: you’ll hear what synergy really means with the Raidho D-1's partnered with the Devialet 170, a set of Crystal Standard Diamond speaker cables, ...the actual ICs and quality built power cord escape me.