6922 Tubes!

Hi everyone, There are many old threads about the 6922, I wanted to know what people are using currently that wont break the bank, ( ie...$150 per tube seems a lot). I need to buy 4 new ones for my phono preamp. Should I just order a set of tubes from the manufacturer (Manley Labs) it seems they like to use Electro Harmonics and they are very affordable, so what does a $100 tube do?? because the originals were pretty nice sounding. I just dont want to overspend on tubes for the unit/system im using them in.  Help.

Matt M
Just ordered 6 of the National Matsushita 7DJ8 platinums from Upscale should be here next Tuesday. Excited to see how they sound!
I'm thinking of getting a pair of that 7DJ8 tube myself, jond. It's a slightly higher voltage version of the 6DJ8, and is used in my line pre-amp.
When I bought my steelhead years ago, I installed some expensive siemens CCa and absolutely loved the resultant improvements.  After reading up on the Matsushita 7DJ8, I installed some just to try them out.  Amazingly, I have never reinstalled the siemens CCa.  They have been in the steelhead now for a couple years.   The Matsushitas are great tubes. 
Got my tubes today thanks Upscale and USPS for super fast shipping and delivery! Installed and fired them up about 45 minutes ago, right off the bat I'm getting greater transparency, a bit more airy high frequencies without brightness, and a touch more depth to the soundstage. My close quarters setup prevents any real soundstage depth so every little bit is appreciated. Great sounding tubes already and if they improve with burn in that will be a bonus! Thanks @mofimadness  for the tip!