Wilson Audio Haters

I've always wondered why there are so many people out there, that more than any other speaker manufacturer, really hate the Wilson line. I own Maxx 2's and also a pair of Watt Puppys. They are IMHO quite wonderful.

Why does Wilson get so much thrashing?


Wow. Darwinism? Creationism? Fabio?

Never dreamed the post would meander this far off stream.

WAIT !!!!  I think I just spotted Elvis........ Gotta run

Nice to see  @ bo1972 that you still are as empathetic as always with other peoples choices in gear. Always happy to hear what a good professional like yourself, with a completely open mind, has to say about other enthusiasts preferences. You are the BEST

I think it is time for Wilson Audio to create a new and better look. You see this as negative, but it is not.

In Europe there are many people who think they are ugly. I think when they change the design it will create a positive vibe for their sales.

The same about using better drivers and tweeters. Speakers in this price range needs to be unique in design as well. They look bulky and that is not what you would like to see for a loudspeaker in this price range.
Speaking of drivers, isn't the work done in that field by one of David Wilsons major competitors, Richard Vandersteen, impressive? Wilson drivers are merely modified versions of already available models by a couple of leading manufactures; Richard has designed his own from the ground up, and makes them himself. And then prices his products so that working-class stiffs can afford them. A down-to-Earth guy, ta boot. None of that matters if one prefers the Wilson sound to the Vandersteen, of course.