Re-wire of speakers to get more Warmth and resolve across the band


Looking to re-wire my speakers, they currently have simple 16 gauge black/red copper wiring. 

I am looking for a warmer more revealing sound across the board. It has plenty of dynamics and the bass region sounds good to my ears.

Should I go with a high gauge/ grade copper? Go with something like the Furutech or Kimber offerings in bulk?

These are Tekton Pendragons.
Tekton Pendragos, as stated above.
Yes interior re-wire.
I like the speaker just seeking a little more warmth in the sound. I have placed them pretty much every which way, I have a dedicated room with treatments.

Looking at the Furutech or kimbers looking like < $150, so not a big investment. I have done this before in the past with good results.
I suggest, based on a great deal of experience in this area, going for the Duelund 16 gauge stranded and tinned copper wire in cotton sold at Parts Connextion. $10 yard and better than the wire you mentioned in terms of what you are looking for. It is simply amazing sounding and very affordable. 
I dont think any wiring solution is gonna fix the pendragons.   Trying for more warmth and resolve of a boomy home theater speaker is not gonna happen magically with cable choice.  Some speakers yes but not those speakers.   
The Duelund wire, or any wire for that matter,  cannot be used as an equalizer etc...but this wire can take the edge off the highs and indeed give a slightly more natural sound with a tad of warmth. No, it will not transform the speaker. 

Some me like me find DIY fun, so go for it if the project is fun for you.