Aesthetic Calypso or CJ Et3 or Primaluna Dialogue 3

Which one of the tube preamps would you mate to a Pass Labs xa30.5 and why?

Used or New option for purchase

I looking for a detailed sound, detailed wide soundstage, and a sweet high end for a 80's rock junky

Any opinion appreciated


Go packers
A general guideline when pairing a tube preamp with a SS power amp is that the amp's input impedance needs to be at least 10x of the preamp's output impedance. To be safer with the match, use 20x because at specific frequencies, the preamp's output impedance may be even higher than it's nominal value.

Pass Labs xa30.5 input impedance - 15k ohms unbalanced

Primaluna Dialogue 3 - 2500 ohms - Obviously, this preamp should be avoided.

Aesthetix Calypso - 1k ohms - Should be a match, but to be absolutely sure verify that it doesn't rise greatly at any frequency.

CJ Et3 - 100 ohms - Excellent match


good to see you in this new year!  The CJ ACT2 Series2 and ET-3SE are going to be on par w/ one another. The ET-3SE is  a tough competitor because of the teflon caps (SE version only).  Otherwise the ACT2 will trump a non-SE ET-3.

At this level of performance, I would audition both CJ and Aesthetix.
I was disappointed w/ the Treo/Quattro. These speakers do not present like a Thiel, especially, the CS 2.4, 2.7 or 3.7 models.  The "2" and "3" series from Vandersteen are much closer but do not image nor sound as timbral.

Jeff, where are you  located?
I am trying to figure out if the CJ 350SA can drive my Thiel speakers properly.  It is a beast of an amp for sure, I do not know if it dips down below 4ohms though?

I will be traveling more this new year and auditioning gear that is on my must-demo list.  Happy Listening!
frozentundra ...Output impedance on the Primaluna Dialogue Premium is 256 Ohm. It would match very well with your Pass Labs xa30.5 ...Oh,did I mention that it sounds fantastic also? A giant killer if there ever was one. A tube rollers delight...