Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
Making Sense of …. Grandmaster Evolution DigitalThe TARA Labs Grandmaster Evolution Digital Interconnect uses a pair of RSC® Gen 3 Rectangular Solid Core® conductors.
In the AES/EBU format, the conductors are critically spaced to ensure an exacting 110 Ohm characteristic impedance; this is the AES/EBU format used with XLR connectors.
The RSC Gen 3 conductors are smaller than the Gen 2 version, and this provides a more extended bandwidth for the digital signal.
The TARA Labs Grandmaster Evolution Interconnect uses a system of woven filaments constructed from small Teflon tubes, to expand and displace the shield further away from the signal carrying conductors.
In this way, the Grandmaster Evolution Digital Interconnect is able to reduce digital distortion, called ‘jitter’.
Jitter explains why Digital cables sound different from on to another.
The most significant reason for the different sound in digital recording and playback systems is the phenomenon of ‘errors’.
The most widely known error is called ‘jitter’. Jitter can be thought of as a timing error or a distortion of the digital bit-stream within the digital send and receive components and the digital interconnect cable.
The timing errors (digital jitter) can be reduced by using better quality cable with superior shielding to reject interference within the cable.
I've used Tara Labs cables for about 15 years, tried other cheaper brands and always came back.  Got to visit their facility in Ashland Oregon many years ago when I lived up there.  Super nice people.
Tried a lot of different interconnects and currently using Tara Labs 0.8's for my system.  Sound fantastic...

Consumer Reviews 
"Devon, these Omega Evolution cables are remarkable and in my opinion State of the Art ! These cables have added so much to my musical listening in terms of enjoyment. Every addition of these Omega Evolutions has been transformative. I started with the speaker cables and added a balanced pair from preamp out to amps, replacing WireWorld Platinum 7 ICs and Snake River Signature speaker cables. The speaker cables and 1st ICs were an improvement in foundation and a big change in midbass and bottom end. But when I replaced the WW ICs from DAC to Preamp with the loners, I was really blown away, that move completed the loom and everything blossomed. The WireWorld cables are really good cables and I could have lived with them no problem, until I heard my system with these. When I added the loners, it really took things to the next level. I have 200 hours on the loners and all around my system has never sounded better. Devon, top to bottom, these cables have brought everything into focus. Resolution, I can hear sounds and tones I never heard before. Delineation of sounds, now I can distinguish things, some I didn't even know were in the music. Clarity and cohesion, crystal clear and everything is realistically connected. I think that's a real problem with cables, especially with separate components, notes and sounds take on an artificial texture, they don't sound connected right, and the music loses its emotion. The sounds need to connect well to have emotion. And most of all dynamics. These cables allow me to listen at any level and hear great sound. These cables make listening pleasurable with all music, and I'm only using CDs right now !! My best CDs have moments where things get scary realistic. Applause, cymbals, tom toms, drums, all percussion sounds real. Flute... acoustic guitar, spooky real. These are the best cables I have heard in my system and if there is a better cable I don't know what it is and I have do desire to try and find them.Devon, these cables have really completed my system. Very glad I completed the loom, that took everything over the top. The Evolutions have given all my components their true value by allowing them to connect with each other and maximize their potential. I have never heard everything sound like this and sound this good. Nothing left to say ! – Tom G."
The Grandmaster Evolution w/HFX

The Grandmaster Evolution Series from TARA Labs is truly beyond belief. It is quite simply the new watershed in the art and science of audio cable design. The Evolution Series is in a class of its own, beyond all other audio cable products in the history of the audio industry worldwide. (Click on image to enlarge)
The Grandmaster Evolution Interconnect uses the same multi-lumen air-tube concept invented by TARA Labs as used in the ZERO Interconnects and the AIR Series Interconnects originally developed in 1986. However, the Evolution Interconnect is remarkably flexible.
The Evolution Interconnect uses the same displaced and Floating Shield design together with a new Dual Mono-Block HFX Ground system with greater absorption of RF/EMI and a vanishingly low background noise.
Incredibly, the new Grandmaster Evolution Interconnect boasts a remarkably low capacitance figure of just 2 pF per foot. This means that the new Evolution has a High Frequency bandwidth that is more than 300% greater than any other high-end cable in the world.
The Grandmaster Evolution = 2pF (cable capacitance measured in picofarads / pF)
The most advanced air-tube technology and designAll new proprietary "dual mono-block" floating ground station (HFX) and floating shield systemControlled spacing of conductor to conductor geometry, produces record low interconnect capacitance of a mere 2 pf (picofarads)Additionally the conductor to shield capacitance is remarkably low so the EMI/RFI coupling from the shield to conductors is negatedThe outer shield is expanded and spaced away from the conductors to such a degree that the background noise is at an all-time lowTwo layers of anti-corrosion coated SAOF-8N copper shieldCompared to the Zero Evolution, The Grandmaster Evolution has a larger, more complex system of Teflon and Aero-PE filaments that ensure a complete air dielectric system.The most revealing and lifelike presentation possibleCompared to the Zero Evolution, The Grandmaster Evolution has a high-frequency bandwidth that is 50% greater, with a stunning low level of background noise contrasted with more image outlines and fine detailRevolutionary liquid micro-film (LMF) dielectric ensures a linear transfer of low-level ambient and spatial information.