Bryston BCD-1 impressions?

Would owners of this CD player give us their impressions of its sound and performance?

Also, what they compared it with and how it stacked up against the competition?

The little press that there's been so far (a couple of paragraphs in Absolute Sound, a couple of reviews in Europe [Italy]) has been very positive, but I'm real curious to hear what Audiogoners have to say about their hands-on experiences.

Just a headphone system:
DNA Sonett v.1 modified
Bryston BCD-1
Sennheiser HD800 stock
Shunyata Hydra V-ray II
Shunyata Venom Defender
Shunyata Alpha Digital power cord
Shunyata Diamondback(Hydra,amp)(considering upgrades)
Cardas Golden Reference int.
Moon Audio Blue Dragon headphone cable
Dedicated 12ga romex line.(probably overkill for a headphone system but....I like it!)