Interesting that you should experience the same issue, Dave. My two subs came from different sellers and from a cursory examination of the modules it is obvious that, while they are the same design, they are of different vintages. I removed the modules shortly after receiving them and was able to compare, but didn't swap them at the time as I wanted to first have a better sense of what was happening sonically with each. I do find it strange that, even if the one that gives less output, is operating "normally" and the difference was a deliberate design change, that it would mean that the volume would have to be almost maxed out in the context of a system that is pretty conventional. My Manley tube monos currently drive a pair of fairly easy to drive and efficient transmission-line Paragon Regents. Is it possible that since the Paragons don't need much power to get them going, that the RELs then don't see sufficient current; hence the need to turn the volume way up with the High level input? Like you, my ears tell me that the xover frequency selector switches are calibrated differently in each sub. This does affect the perceived output; still....., I also think that, while subtle, the lower output sub's sound has slightly less impact and definition.