Recommend a SS amp for my new Vandersteen Quatro CT

I will be taking delivery of my new speakers in a few weeks and am curious about amp/preamp combinations that might work well.  My first auditions will be with the two power amps that I own.  I have an older ARC 100.2 that has been in storage for the past 4 years and a Bryston 4bsst2 that I am currently using with my SP Tech Mini monitors.  I have every reason to believe that either of my current amps will match up ok but wondering about better matches that would compliment the Quatro to a greater extent.
you are putting the $ in the right place - I think you will be amazed how good the ARC gear sounds
i use a REF5se
who is setting up your Quatros?

I have not heard the ARC, but know them to be well made. I don't think you will have any problems. Perhaps contacting ARC to see if they recommend updating. Again, I don't know how old the amp is, but I do know that capacitors don't last forever. (Though my poor old Adcom 555 is still functioning after 24+ years).YMMV
And, I am envious. I would love to have a pair of Quatro CT's.
I will send the 100.2 to ARC for a checkup.  I figure whether I use the amp or end up selling it I would like to have ARC giving it a good bill of health.  As much as I like that amp I will be surprised if wins out against the 4bsst2.  I know there are many Bryston detractors here but I find the sst2 to have a more refined character than the older Bryston amps.  The SST2 was absolutely better for my fairly low efficiency stand mount monitors.  The extra power and bass control made those speakers come alive.  With the Quatro it may be a closer call because I will be filtering out most of the frequencies that are the strength of the Bryston.  So I am anticipating it will be more of a midrange shootout.  Thank you all for your suggestions.  I have heard Ayre and Aesthetix mentioned before.  The dealer where I am buying carries neither brand and auditioned them for me on ARC Reference Pre and Power amps. 
I did not mention Bryson because I have zero experience with them on Vandersteen's. I am NOT a detractor - I have a good friend with two pair of big B&W in well designed rooms running them - try it !!!!
Good call on service checkup of the 100.2 database says something like 1999 thru 2003 production so a refresh might be good.
again - excited for you !!!!