Wilson Audio Haters

I've always wondered why there are so many people out there, that more than any other speaker manufacturer, really hate the Wilson line. I own Maxx 2's and also a pair of Watt Puppys. They are IMHO quite wonderful.

Why does Wilson get so much thrashing?

There is actually some truth in bo`s mantra. We have a local dealer here who carries MA line and I can confirm that PL line is capable of magical 3D stage that majority of other brands can`t touch.
Despite it is not the absolute best player in all areas as it seem from bo´s postings. I personally feel that PL line from MA sounds a bit light. Nice tonality but it`s missing the energy and dynamics of Focal Utopia and Electra line that I`m also familiar with.
.... It has nothing to do with personal taste. We see that all people understand that it owns a lower level of emotion ...
Oh no, it is all about taste, Bo. Because every system is imperfect, it is up to each listener to decide for himself what he prefers.

To all people I can explain it very easilly
You haven't shown that here yet!

There is one big thing you forget, all audio shops work by trial and error. With this the Monitor Audio speakers can sound good, but we can reach a much higher level.

In the last 7 years we have many Monitor Audio clients who said: when I would not have met you I think I would not bought Monitor Audio loudspeakers. But the way you work they become without any competition.

This difference is huge and brings them to another league. I never met any person who has done thousands and thousands of test to understand all the properties of each single part of an audio system. 

My clients visited the Platinum Series II demos. They said; even my Platinum Series 1 is superior to this. Trial and error can only use a small level of the whole quality it owns. We can proof this by sound. I have proven this to many people in 9 years of time.

That is why I said: I love outperforming. Audio is all about creating the best sound possible. This is what we create. Each single audio system created by Tru-Fi will always outperfrom a system what was created by trial and error. I can proof this by facts.

This is what we will demonstrate and proof by Tru-Fi. This is a new approach on audio what creates a superior level in sound quality.
There is one big thing you forget, all audio shops work by trial and error.
And you base this claim on ... what? Do you sincerely believe that there is not an audio store on the planet that doesn't know how to  use measurements and the scientific method?

The human emotion is something what we all own. That is why I focussed on the human emotion. You need to understand how our emotion works and when it occurs.

A client of mine was the first who said: tatse does not exist. I thought he was insane He said; you have proven it to me.

He is the person who owned the Sasha and he is the one who invented the word Tru-Fi. I first called it: Total Sound.

He owned many highend systems. He said: My new system owns a superior level in emotion, details and realism. I could never have created this level with trial and error what I did for a long time.

We can proof (we have proven it to many many people) that we can make each audio system more complete. All the reactions are the same. We will put all the reviews of clients on our new website soon.

They all experience a much higher level of emotion. They all use their system much more often. They all play longer at the same time.

When an audio system can reveal more details and emotion it becomes addictive.