Used Ayre amp market pricing

I find the Ayre nomenclature confusing in that there are models with the same letters and number but their order seems significant.  I'm looking for a VX-5, not VX-5 Twenty, and wonder what the used market price is likely to be.  A 5-VX is too tall to fit in the space I have with 3" clearance.  Any advice will be appreciated.

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cedargrover:  The V-5xe is listed in the AudioGon Blue Book, but too tall for my use.  I think I saw a VX-5 Twenty listed at Audio Mart for $6400.  I hope the VX-5 is less pricey -- presumably it's an older model.

ebm:  A little forbearance might be warranted, because I just bought a K-5xeMP and a VX-5 seems an ideal amp to pair it with.  It would fit in my cabinet with adequate ventilation above the amp.  I've downloaded the VX-5 owner's manual and a couple of reviews that suggest it's the amp I want.


"cedargrover: The V-5xe is listed in the AudioGon Blue Book, but too tall for my use. I think I saw a VX-5 Twenty listed at Audio Mart for $6400. I hope the VX-5 is less pricey -- presumably it's an older model".


"The V-5 was replaced by the VX-5. One of the things that makes the models sometimes confusing to look at it the upgrades. Every time a product is updated, they change the model number to reflect what was improved. (Example from oldest to newest: K-5, K-5x, K-5xe, K-5xemp.). The upside to all the different changes is that you can take any Ayre product and have it upgraded to its most current status. I have 2 V-5's in my main system. The original V-5 is almost 20 years old, but over the years the upgrades keep them competitive. Its great if you can't afford to go out and get the current version of an Ayre product. Get an older one and have the piece of mind that you can always upgrade so you're not stuck with something.    "

ebm: A little forbearance might be warranted, because I just bought a K-5xeMP and a VX-5 seems an ideal amp to pair it with. It would fit in my cabinet with adequate ventilation above the amp. I've downloaded the VX-5 owner's manual and a couple of reviews that suggest it's the amp I want.


"The K-5 is the matching preamp to the V-5. But one thing to note is that the K-5 is part of the 5 series, so it can be considered an equally good match with any 5 series component, including the VX-5. Once you get your system together, you won't be worrying about these small details. You'll be listening to music.

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Thanks for your insight.  In an effort to declutter the living room, I sold a Parasound A 21 that was too tall to fit into the equipment cabinet so sat on the floor.  Having three JC 1 monoblocks sitting on the floor of our music/HT room is one thing, having an A 21 sitting on the floor of the living room is another.

The V-5 series seems to be over 7" tall, whereas the VX-5 seems a bit over 4" tall.  To me, that's not a small detail.  I admit my only experience with Ayre components is my C-5xeMP that I think it has a superb non-HiFi sound I hope to capture with their preamp and amp.

BTW, as part of the declutter I took down the bass manager and subs.  The unaided KEF LS50s are quite satisfying for the jazz and baroque music I prefer. 

re decluttering:  A pair of 20-watt Cary 572 SE CAD monoblock tube amps do sit on either side of the equipment cabinet in the living room, but they are only about 8" wide, seem decorative, and sound surprisingly good driving the KEF LS50s.