What is best tweeter height for the Devore O/96?

On the Devore Orangutan O/96 with the supplied stands from Devore Fidelity, the tweeter height is approximately 31.5 inches from the floor.  By comparison the tweeter height on the Devore Gibbon X is much higher at approximately 36 inches from the floor.  As a general rule, I always thought that it was more ideal to have tweeter height at approximately 36 inches, with the goal of having the tweeter at or near ear level, while in a seated listening position.  Why does the O/96 have such a low tweeter height?  What would be the effect of raising the O/96 to elevate the tweeter height to ear level?  John Devore could have made these stands any height he wanted for optimal sound, so why have the tweeter height so low?  Thanks for your comments.
The 0/96s sure do sound nice to me, and I think the look is really nice. I own the somewhat similar Ponginae P/99s from a different manufacturer.

Are the DeVores worth the price tag? If you believe they are then they are, same as everything else.
Seeing how my post above was removed by moderators, I should mention that my comment on use of the "s-word" or crap had nothing at all to do with what I think about the Devores or John himself, highly the opposite in fact. Just wanted to set that right if nothing else! 

Can you please refrain with the use of such vile language? After reading your post I was very disturbed. As a matter of fact my wife and I could not sleep for days after the shock. Please use the word poo-poo in future posts.
Thanks much!

Indeed I will, and I must apologize to all who might have agonized over the filth that spewed forth from my tapping/typing fingers here! I too could not sleep a wink....

Enjoy your music all!