Anyone heard the Onkyo sp 1000 yet?

I am looking for a universal player to match my Von Schweikert vr4 jr's and Cary cinema 5 amp. I am using a complete Von Schweikert system with 2 subs. I heard the onkyo was excellent. Any opinions or other suggestions?
I think you are the one who needs to grow up!
You cannot stand the thought of someone not agreeing with you on your overrated opinion of the Onkyo DV-SP1000.
I may be a newbie, but I think I have an excellent, and well choosen system with excellent resolution and detail.
I bet it would hold its own with yours on any day of the week!
Nuff said!

There has been quite a bit of discussion on some users having lip synch issues with the player on the AVS forum.

Originally posted by EARS:

You are the very first person on any audio based board to ever mention having lip sync issues on an SP1000."

I will respond factually and without any adjectives.

Unless you (User Name "Ears" here at AudiogoN) are not the same person as EARZ (User Name at AVScience), who regularly posts in defense of, and with high praise for, the SP1000 in the AVS Forum on DVD Players, you know very well that many people have experienced lip sync issues on not only the SP1000 but also the Integra version of this player.

Heck, Q of BanditZ even started a thread at AVS to try to diagnose the problem in order to work with Onkyo on a fix: Indeed, if you (Ears) are the same person as (Earz), you were the seventh poster to that thread and posted as recently as 2/15/05.

However, so that there is no doubt, and so that the readers of this thread here at AudiogoN can read the facts, I will quote from Q's very first post in the AVS Forum thread:

"It's taken several threads and failed polls, but our purpose here is to determine what, if any, common denominators exist as we try to troubleshoot down the lip synch issue that some owners of these units have experienced.

"This is going to strictly be a hard information, data thread for interested parties and owners of both the Onkyo 1000 and Integra 10.5.

"For the sake of brevity, ease of reading and useage, we’d ask you to keep conversation to one of the several other robust Onkyo threads. Please strictly post relevant data in this thread.

"This thread is for information and fact finding. Hard data.

"Hopefully, we wish to assemble objective data that we can submit to Onkyo themselves."

As recently as 2/14/05, rider at AVS posted the following:

"Latest update I got from Onkyo tech support:

"Japan is still working on problem. Tech said the problem is very "widespread," but random: some players have the problem, and others don't. He said the problem appears to be internal to the player, and unrelated to monitor/set-up/or anything external. He said Japan hasn't figured out (or if they have, Onkyo US hasn't been told yet) exactly what is causing it, but they believe it's longer video processing time than audio processing time (SiI504 chip probably (?)).

"He said they have "tons" of the SP1000 units there, and he's personally seen some that have the sync problem. He said Japan will "definitely" issue a fix, but couldn't give me a time frame; the only projected date given so far by Japan, back in Dec, was sometime Apr/May......."

Originally posted by Ears:

"You are also the very first person that EVER said the audio was anything but this should tell everyone that you probably have never even heard or seen a SP1000."

Again, I will respond factually and without any adjectives.

I acquired my unit from Vann's back in December of '04, thanks to the tips from Q and others about the discount pricing they had at that time. Indeed, you will find my posts at AVS, if you care to search for them, confirming my ownership of the unit. To Vann's credit, they accepted the return of my unit and gave me a full refund.

With respect to the audio quality of the Onkyo, perhaps I could have been more clear, but you did not need to paraphrase my words to misconstrue what I posted. I never wrote that audio on the Onkyo was "anything but great". To be clear, I wrote that audio on my DaViD II was superior to audio from the Onkyo. The DaViD II plays only Redbook CD, and on Redbook CD the DaViD II was superior to the Onkyo. In my system, the DaViD II provided better bass, more coherence, and less coloration.

As I posted, I acquired the Onkyo for video, not for audio. I was and still am going to sell my DaViD II, because later this year I plan to acquire either the Theta Compli and GenVIII (once the proprietary link issues are resolved) or Meitner CDSD & DAC6e. I intended to keep the Onkyo until the HD DVD & Blue Ray wars are settled because the video on the Onkyo is at least as good, if not better, than any other DVD player on the market (at least in the under $5K range). But with the A/V sync issue, I could not watch more than 3 DVDs before I packed up the unit and returned it to Vann's. To be clear, had there been no A/V sync issue, I would have kept the Onkyo for sure.
Rmaidenburg, I said an audio based know like this one, AA or Audiocircle were you will find zero mention of sync issues from any sp 1000 owner.

You will also not find any "troll like" comments about the sp 1000 sounding terrible.
Audio Girl,
I gaurantee your systym sounds better than mine at this time, thats not the point.
My 2 channel systym has been mostly sold and currently being changed and hopefully for the better.
Better = sonically pleasing to me and not to compete whith yours, or any other set up.

You obviously take exception to me posting about a favorable comparison of a normally mid fi brand to your player, when you should be directing your anger elsewhere.

I said to not shoot the messenger, and you have done anything but, ever since.

So enjoy your set up and maybe direct your anger at the reviewer instead of the messenger.