Wilson Audio Haters

I've always wondered why there are so many people out there, that more than any other speaker manufacturer, really hate the Wilson line. I own Maxx 2's and also a pair of Watt Puppys. They are IMHO quite wonderful.

Why does Wilson get so much thrashing?

The problem in audio is that most products in each price range are rather poor. They will never make any person happy.

Soon we will discuss Tru-Fi with manufacturers. Because audio is a market what decreases. We want to reach more people who are now not interested in audio. 

When we visit shows, shops, distributers and new clients we see that the level of most audio systems will never create a satisfied feeling. You cannot go on this way. It will have a negative influence on audio in the comming years.

We want a higher level for all people all over the world. What I said; it is not about me. We want to give people the experience to feel the emotion of music. 

We are a team of audio fanatics who are all perfectionists and only go for the best. Maybe it is my idea, but I am just one person of the whole team.

I use the experience and knowledge of different people who are just as fanatic as I am.

Togheter we can create new products and a superior level in sound&vision. We all have the same goal; to become the best company in sound&vision in the world.

This is not only selling products, but also a lot of research and doing tests. The team of our company gives me the freedom to focus even more on new products and qualtiy.

It is a addiction for me to improve sound&vison over and over again. Each single person has his own task and part of our company.

I never loved my job so much as this moment. Because the time I spend in research and test created a superior level in bith sound&vision. I still want to improve it time after time. This is what I love. My team gives me this freedom. I am thankful to do it togheter with all these unique people.

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D.A.R.T. is the only company in HI-FI that offers the Wilson hater or other audiophiles the ability to truly decouple listener from room induced resonance issues that plague all lesser systems mostly causing the 2 D effect. This nasty R.I.R.I. that plagues all listeners in all rooms is greatly reduced by addition of D.A.R.T. audiophile isolation. Our new improve Chromium-Molybdenum ball hitch fastened to our proprietary tech tone-wood spiked chair greatly reduces the destructive listener seating fatigue or LSF that was problematic with early D.A.R.T. offerings. Not any more!! we as audiophiles spend much money and effort on reducing unwanted resonances in our rooms and components why not take the next logical step and isolate listener? We at D.A.R.T. have surrounded ourselves with best designers ever to have existed in the total of human existence why not take advantage of this and fully isolate your body from room? enter code IAMNOTSOSMART to recieve 110% discounts off full retail pricing for more -DARTaudiophiledecoupling at CompuServe.com

Very simple because your 1980 system and level in knowledge does not add anything overhere at this website.

If I were you please look for another hobby. Your 1980 set will never satisfy you.

@bo1972 , I WISH I could afford 1980 gear!!! That’d be terrific!!!

Who needs a audio system to satisfy them?
Bo, your comedy is all the entertainment anyone needs to feel satisfied!

You provide zero substance, but your material is hilarious! You really should look into writing a nice book on audio.......to be sold in to fiction section of course, with lots of 3-D pictures. Hahaha!

Keep enlightening all of us with your wealth of knowledge your Imperial Grand Wizard!!! ;^)