I’ve transferred a number of old 78 records from those days to my music server and agree they are an "interesting" sonic treat.
The other day I was listening to a professionally remastered CD version of Moonlight Serenade by Glenn Miller. Audiophile sound quality for sure in terms of natural sounding if not the nth degree in all technical attributes.
I love CD remasters of classics from the oldest days of recorded music. They are true music gems and most remastered well are quite unique and hold up nicely in comparison to many modern recordings. I could listen to that music all day long.
The other day I was listening to a professionally remastered CD version of Moonlight Serenade by Glenn Miller. Audiophile sound quality for sure in terms of natural sounding if not the nth degree in all technical attributes.
I love CD remasters of classics from the oldest days of recorded music. They are true music gems and most remastered well are quite unique and hold up nicely in comparison to many modern recordings. I could listen to that music all day long.