Even though I was skeptical regarding if there would be much, if any, sonic improvements when installing SR black fuses I am very pleasantly surprised with what they've added to the sound. Yes, I can definitely hear more details, a more organic texture to notes and better imaging, but the best way I can describe the sound is that it's more real and "right" sounding. It's not as if they transformed the sound of my system, but they've sure made that which sounded very good that much better......and after what I've invested in my system their cost was nearly insignificant. If some want to say that's impossible and I'm crazy for hearing these improvements, so be it and paint me crazy.....and I'll keep enjoying listening to music that sounds better than it ever has in my room.
Thanks to all of those that have shared their positive results with these fuses. Without your enthusiastic reviews I might never have given them a try and I'm soooooo glad I did.