what to address first

I have Theta Casablanca II,standard DACs,Theata Dreadnaught 5x225 amp,aerial acoustic 10T,CC5,5B rears,SW12 woofer,Nordost wiring. Should I upgrade blanca to III,add superior DAC or replace with Meridian processor. Upgrade 10 to 20T and ultimately get monoblocks or replace with Meridian 7000? I heard Dynaudio Temptations that were great. Will 20T be as good for home theatre? thanks!ken
I agree with the power conditioning suggestion. You can improve the audio and video with this as well.
thank you all. i neglected to say that i do indeed have individual dedicated outlets and an Exact Power conditioner. I just feel the audio of my home theatre isn't quite there yet. To be honest, I do have a little of the bug.I have been wanting the 20T's but there seem to be better speakers for home theatre.What should I do???
Place your order for the APL-modified TEAC Esoteric UX-1 universal player that APL calls the NWO-1 and sells for about $19k (you will no longer need a preamp). Imagine the performance when you merge the undeniably finest transport mechanism built with perhaps the most talented modifier. Check out aplhifi.com for more info.

Next audition a pair or set of Nuforce Ref 9 Special Edition amps which retail for only $4400 a pair.

You can also do better regarding scs and ics far better regarding line conditioning.

I think you were on the right track with the meridian gear. DSP7000's are a great choice as are the DSP5200's for smaller spaces. Either the 800 series or the fantastic G98/G68 with the room eq feature and 1080P support would work great. The surround processors in concert with the dsp loudspeakers offer a synergy and level of control that no other system can match. Theater components require software updates over the years to keep current. Meridian has a long history of supporting their products over the years. I am a Meridian Dealer and would to help in any way I can.
Hey Ken -

I've always been taught, and found the old saying to be true as well. If it ain't broke....brake it and upgrade...or something to that effect.:)

All jokes aside though, you off to a great start with the system you have. Take vitamin C for the bug. But if you insist, I don't think you can could ever go wrong with Meridian gear, period. IMHO, I think this may be you biggest bang for your buck.

Hope this helps some. Keep up posted!!