Mark Levinson 326s vs BAT Rex Series 1 preamps

My system is a dedicated home theater / 2 channel digital & analog setup. Has anyone had experience with both preamps? Wilson Sasha based system and the left and right stereo is powered by a BAT 600se amp. I watch a lot of movies and like the idea of not burning 18 tubes in pass thru mode BUT what am I giving up sonically if I go to the 326s?

I own the Rex

Best Regards!!

Does anyone have any thoughts how either of these preamps mate with the Krell FPB series of amps? (I own the FPB-250M monos.)
The BAT Rex 2 with a nice solid state Amp is a great combo and would work well with Krell, Levinson, Vitus, ect..  We have a Rex 2 demo Pre for sale and some other BAT pieces if interested, send me a pm. 

I have always wanted to demo B.A.T. gear- where are you located?
Does B.A.T. plan to keep the REX alive and in production w/ a REX 3 , 4...?
We are located in Orange County CA.  Yes, they plan on keeping the REX product - its the best preamp I have ever heard.