What's wrong with my DVD player?

I own a Denon 2910 DVD player. It has worked flawlessly since I purchased (new) it. The hours on it are very low. The other day while watching (it's not the DVDs, cleaned them, happens in different parts of the DVD etc) a movie the picture freezes and then goes back to the beginning. Happens over and over again. The picture quality, however, is excellent. The longest playing time before a picture freeze, has been 10 minutes, but it happens more like every three or four minutes. Is there anybody who has had this experience with the 2910 or any other player? Thanks in advance. warren
Didn't work... I also forgot to tell you: when the picture freezes there is a little 1/17 that highlights in the upper left corner of the picture. The picture stays frozen for about 5 seconds and then resumes to the start of the movie. go figure.
Try going into the setup menu in your Denon and turn the multiple angle feature "off". The picture is freezing at the parts of the movie where there is a flag for multiple camera angle and it is tripping up your display if using a digital HDMI connection to your display. You should be able to see the camera icon at the point where the picture is freezing when using an analog video connection. Let me know if this works. -jz
Yup I agree it may be tell you there is a scene that can be alternated so turn off feature.
I have seen this happen before with other DVD players that had over-heated. Is the unit well ventilated? Or is it stacked with other gear giving off heat, or crammed into a narrow space/shelf ?

Secondly... are you playing DVD-R's ?? Maybe it is having problems reading some of them.