The Palladian-A step beyond

The new cartridge from Acoustical Systems may finally be the LOMC to fully realise the theoretical advantages of the genus.
And convince those long-suffering audiophiles to whom the 'modern' MC presentation has been anathema to 'live sound'....that the realism of vintage LOMCs like the SPUs and FR-7 series has finally been recaptured 👀
@acman3 lets just say a few of the regulars were indulging in some rather off topic historical/political badinage- nothing that bad and quite interesting and well informed but clearly not to the moderators taste

back to the Palladian I'm looking forward to having a chance to remount mine with the spacer so I can go "below horizontal" - methinks that s way even better sound lies. The spacer should be in my mailbox tomorrow

Good news folkfreak.....
I'm wondering what material the spacer is made of......and if, perhaps, there may be some titanium screws within the package.....❓🤔

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Dear @thuchan : "   it has an analogue and a digital bass amplification? "

first I appreciate to know that finally you and me can have a enriched dialogue with out try to hit one to the other as in those crazy old times. Good, maturity is very important issue in each one human been life.

Now, if there is a frequency range where analog has its weakest characteristic is precuisely in the overall bass range and if the signal is generated by the analogue alternative it does not matters what's happening after that signal generation. Problem is not in the speakers/amplifiers but from where comes and is generated the signal.

Digital alternative is way superior in the bass management. Of course and as happens in analoge there are bad digital recordings and good ones and ovbiously we are talking of the good ones in both audio worlds.The other main issue is that MUSIC is harmonics, think on this.

If any one wants to know in his home audio system how bass should sound he has to listen through digital recordings and if that home audio system has a good overall set up then he will knows is rigth through listen experiences.

Regards and enjoy the music,