Cable elevators

Hi fellow AG'rs. I seeking advice regarding recommendations for flat/ribbon cable supports. i.e (for Nordost flat speaker cables). Any recommendations? Thanks for your responses in advance.
Nonoise thanks for your response. I am curious as to why you would not recommend elevating cables on a wood floor. Wouldn't vibrations be reduced and thereby improve sound?
Like nonoise I got great results from simply looping my Valhalla cable over a hook screwed into the wall behind my speakers. Obviously you can pay big $$ for the elevators nordost make ( ) but I would try a wall mount first, I found the sound opened up and became a little less confused

If no walls are handy you could try these ones

i found more impact from cable elevators (Shunyata) under my interconnects then under my current speaker cables (SR Galileo) but then again I do run a very long balanced cable. The design of the Shunyata DFSS is not well suited to Nordost cables