speaker shopping

I have a classe fifteen amp with parasound front end and am looking for speakers to go into a 12x22 room with 4 ft knee walls.

that kit looks interesting but is currently sold out.  Are they fairly easy to drive  without any wicked impedance  swings and how are they with tubes.  Sorry for hijacking the thread

@metman that kit does look nice. Response down to 30 Hz +/- 3db is pretty freaking solid.

Just going off specs, though, I’d guess these aren’t the best for low power tube amps, since they have a sensitivity of only 87 dB
I've looked at this kit many times, it sells out regularly, it'll be back in stock in a few days.  This kit is all Morel drivers.  Driver cost alone is $700 to $800 range...
Jeff did not use any impedance compensation on this kit, that means that it will stray upwards in impedance at certain frequencies, but it won't stray lower.  This is a protected Proprietary kit, they won't show schematics or curves without a purchase.  I have used the parts included, they are all great sounding.  I trust very few speaker designers, including some fairly well known manufactures.  Jeff is a solid designer, these will sing.