PS Audio BHK 300 mono VS Modwright KWA 150SE mono VS D'agostino Classic stereo

What would you consider the best option of these 3 to build a reference level system.
Any experience with these amps would be appreciated.
I'm also considering higher end gear but if budget does not allow i will stick to these 3 options.

Hi guys since i find VAC preamps too expensive compared to other very well know brands, i was thinking of the Nagra Classic preamp to go with the d'Agostino Classic amp.
The Nagra is $17K here in Europe compared to the $25K VAC.
What do you guys think ?


at that price level and performance I would seek an audition prior to any purchase.

Happy Listening!
+1 melbguy1.  

I am very happy with a pair of Modwright KWA150SE driving my B&W802D2's in bridge configuration. This amp is grossly underrated, easily one of the best solid state amp under $10K. The holographic imaging, tubey mid-range, fabulous highs without any edginess and superb tight bass. The build and finish quality is also unprecedented at this price point.  

Try to audition these amps in bridge mode with LS36.5 and Elyse DAC and be ready for a magical ride. 

jafant don't worry i'm going to the Munich show this year therefore i will meet the Nagra team and audition the gear.

lalitk thanks for your input, yes i do know the Modwright 150SE beeing very good especialy in bridged mode, they could drive most speakers out there.
How would you rate the 36.5DM preamp with the separate power supply ?

thieliste, I have not tried the 36.5DM power supply.  I did discuss the separate power supply option with Dan prior to buying the LS36.5. According to him, it's a whole another level of performance.  It's on my short list of future upgrades.

I don't know your rest of the setup but If you're considering LS36.5 or any other preamp, make sure it has line level outputs to drive a sub. Dan customized my LS with a fully balanced output in parallel to drive my JL Audio F212v2. The sub adds a another layer of dimension that IMHO, no speaker is capable of producing.