Which pre should I choose?

There are two Pre in our 2nd hand market. One is Accuphase C-290 (selling at: US$3300) which start to produce in 1993. The other is Accuphase C-275V (selling at: US$2600) which start to produce in 2000. My power is Accuphase CA-47 to drive Dynaudio Countour 1.3SE. I like warm & thick & not to fast sound. Do you have good ideas? I prefer to listen to classical music mostly.
I'm sure Accuphase would be flattered to know that you are considering one of their preamps for its warm, thick and slow sound (LOL). As bdp24 said, you can find that sound with many other products, and at a lower price.
If your looking for that warm golden sound... consider a vintage tube pre from CJ.  
vintage early 90's creek preamp will be in $99...150 range. it's slow, not too fast and very soft sounding.
I take faust168 comments to me warm musical and  flowing over sheer transient speed. 
Can't we have both?
If you want to inject some real warmth and feeling, try a tube pre amp. Sometimes having the right tube pre amp with a solid state amp can really bring awesome results! Proper matching of impedence should be no problem, with the right unit. I know matching components is nice, and will probably work very well indeed. But you only live once!!! ..I think...lol

Matt M