Acoustic Zen Crescendo speaker crossover capacitors ... who makes them?

I own the MKl version of the Crescendo and see the crossover uses all Acoustic Zen branded capacitors. Most are blue in color with the smallest values bring black. Does anyone know what company makes these for AZ? I did email the builder, but no answer. Love any information the community may have on this topic. 

That Cresendo crossover has a lot of big value (capacitance) capacitors. It’s actually somewhat surprising how well this speaker sounds given all of those capacitors in the signal path. Quite a complex crossover, but the bottom line is how does it sound? Very darn good.
I haven't even mentioned the 8 other caps in each speaker! Values up to 68uf and 100 uf.  Well then there are the 14 resistors. Dont even talk about the scores of inductors.

I agree Charles it is amazing how good they sound with all these parts. Robert knows what he is doing and is very talented. 
Big kudos for Robert of Acoustic Zen who has responded to my email questions and helped me. Nice man willing to help a DIY pain in the rear like me:)