Best Cable Match for: Creek 4330SE + Rega Apollo + Vandersteen 2C

Looking for recommendations on interconnects and speaker cable that will mate, blend, compliment, chemically-bond, or just sound perfect, with the combination of the following gear: 

Creek 4330SE Integrated Amp + Rega Apollo CD Player + Vandersteen 2C speakers.

I also have a Micromega Stage 3 CD Player I use at times. 

Current interconnects and cables are custom-made Mogami through I've had the Mogami's for a while now and they sound good on everything--including this current system. I'm just curious if there is anything I'm missing, and if there is anything better (or more ideal) with the pairing of this equipment? 


I have always wanted to know that term "romantic".
Please interpret and/or describe its meaning?
I used "romantic" from chrisr's post above. To me, it's a pure marketing term to describe a sound that is soft & fuzzy, warm with slight bloat in the bass. Not as detailed, but still has a neutral treble response.   
Hey jafant, 

Still have the DH Labs Q-10's and Air Matrix. Sold the Apollo a little while ago, and have a Naim cdp on the way. It comes with a DIN to RCA made by Chord Company, so I'm interested to see how it sounds. It will be hard to get a reference as I have no other DIN to RCA cables to compare. Probably won't do much more with cables until I settle on a cpd. 
@jsbach1685 One thing you may have to consider as well (as much as it is a highly debated topic) is cable burn in, especially with silver and silver-coated copper cables. I have DH Labs cables and am a strong proponent of them, using Q-10s for my speakers and Air Matrix IC's for everything except for a Revelation in one spot. They've definitely knocked out every AudioQuest IC I've had in my system. I've since then tested Kimbers and Nordosts and am completely satisfied with the DH Labs.

Back to burn-in, I found both the speaker cables and interconnects to sound less brittle after about 100hrs of cooking or break in. Things will get more robust, you'll get more frequency extension, and it shouldn't fatigue at all.