Problem with CD Baby cds

Sorry if this is the wrong place to post.

I just received 6 cds ordered and manufactured, (apparently) by CD Baby.  I opened a couple and played them on my computer.  Worked well.  The next night I tried playing them on my system using my Cambridge Audio CD transport.  I got nothing but "error" messages.  The transport can not read the cds.

Any suggestions?  Comments?  I would like to keep the cds but obviously would like to be able to play them on my system.

Thanks in advance,


"A primer on CDFS, which I'd never heard of until your post. Best option would probably be to rip the files then burn them to a CD-R unless I am reading this wrong."

He's right. Try that next. But make sure you tell your burning software to make a music CD. That way your CD meets all Redbook standards, and it will be compatible.

If that doesn't work, try transcoding the files to something more common like FLAC or WAV. If you can get them to convert, you should have no problem burning the cd from the transcoded files. 

I have this problem a lot with older CD's and my Marantz; but I can always download them to WAV and put them on the playlist.

Hope that helps.
Thank you all for your suggestions.  Ripping the files and then burning them to a CD-R does the trick.

BUT.....  I'm the guy that likes to cruise through my cds.  I like to read liner notes.  And I sort of think that when buying a "cd" it ought to play on a decent transport.

Oh well...
I have exactly the same problem: some CDs just won't play. CDR copy plays fine, CDRW(!!) copy plays fine which means that the lens is clean (i opened the player and cleaned it with Zeiss lens cleaner anyway). 
Total mystery to me! But at least it is not CD Baby fault, at least not in my case
My only idea was that it is somehow related to copy-protection. Yesterday I got (I think) proof that it is not copy-protection either. 
We may never find what causes the problem, but since misery loves company, it's nice to know that we have plenty company; just kidding.