Best Spooky, Moody, Atmospheric Home Theatre Demo

I still don't quite the idea of remaking a classic film, frame by frame, but tonight I bought a new copy of the Psycho DVD with Vince Vaughn and Anne Heche.

Perhaps it has more to do with the scene, but I really enjoy the atmosphere of the opening of the movie, and hearing the pouring rain in surround sound, as she cautiously approaches the neon sign of the Bates Motel.

Bearing in mind both technical AND dramatic considerations, what movies do you think best demonstrate the spooky, moody, atmospheric capabilities of home theatre and surround sound?
Cwlondon, I may not be the authority on horror but the best demonstration for horror to date as far a remakes in surround sound has to still be "The Haunting" in Dts ES 6.1

Another Dts Es remake that is wild was "The Texas Chainsaw Massacare". In surround sound it freaked my Wife out so badly that sleeping with the lights on for a week was a requirement afterwards.

"The Grudge", and "The Ring" are the only 2 newer flicks to date that really did a number on me.
My wife votes for the ring, nothin scares me except her jumpy a** during a movie
Audiobugged , i dont know , sounds like you know a thing or two to me! The Haunting was bearable due to Catherine and as you correctly said , a stunning use of sound . The DTS version has the most thunderous low end I have yet encountered as well as excellent stability in its omnipresent suround effects that emerse you in a wash of pressure from opening to credits. Agreed again on TCM , the remake. Bay is never less than exciting and not only is the soundtrack spot on , it is clean , fast and completely coherent . It is constantly thrilling but never exhausting. One of the best of last year . For a creepy and damn near scientific - perfect use of surround sound atmospherics , the daunting Dark City is tops on my list.There is a pressure encoded in the soundtrack that energizes the space in the room and around your head like nothing I have ever experienced. When you nail the set up of the system , it snaps into focus and is quite startling. Brilliant work , movie and pacing. A few others in the si-fi genre to test the cohesiveness of your speaker setup ,processor cailbration and room acoustic synergy would be The Fifth Element , AVP , and the subtle yet brilliant Solaris .