Well sometimes the most rigit is not the best dampening material. Sometimes they just store the energy and release it slowly Not good. If your speakers are vibrating, and most do, then glueing solid materials to the outside may not work out so well. The vibes might possibly loosen the rigid material right off the panels. Imagine glueing a rigid panel to the outside of a clothes dryer.
Once they begin to loosen you really have a problem. I much prefer my recommendation.
Well sometimes the most rigit is not the best dampening material. Sometimes they just store the energy and release it slowly Not good. If your speakers are vibrating, and most do, then glueing solid materials to the outside may not work out so well. The vibes might possibly loosen the rigid material right off the panels. Imagine glueing a rigid panel to the outside of a clothes dryer.
Once they begin to loosen you really have a problem. I much prefer my recommendation.