interconnects vs speaker cables vs power cords - which make the biggest difference?

Like the subject line says, I am curious what others think in terms of whether interconnects, speaker cable or power cords make the biggest difference when it comes to noticeable sound improvements, or are they all equally important?  I am thinking of upgrading them all and am trying to decide how to allocate spending.  Thanks in advance.
Before you mess with all that, make sure you’ve sorted out room treatment and speaker placement. I’ve had a-ha! moments with power cords, interconnects and speaker cables. But the biggest a-ha! was better speaker placement and decent room treatment. For me, it was more significant than any of the cable changes.

Also, before you dick around with power cables, do you have a dedicated line for your listening room? That can make more of a difference than any power cable..
I must say however that the cable with the most impact on my system was the insertion of a pair Cardas Golden Reference, interconnects.  The change was immediate and very profound so I agree in principle with speaker cable, but in practice the ICs made the biggest difference...
Perhaps/Maybe, depending on system components...
1) Power cords (NO conditioner and/or station)
2) Interconnects
3) Speaker cables
1) Power cords (NO conditioner and/or station )
2) Speaker cables
3) Interconnects

but they all make differences even when done individually and in varying order...
I agree all make differences.good cables design to make the system to perform at its best potential, bad cables tend to change/ manipulate the sound.synergy betweens cables is very important and have to be choose carefully. Not always the expensive cables are better than the cheaper ones , demo is a must!
Happened to come across what I believe to be the best power cord I've ever experienced...and it was free!  It beat my $4k plus PC's I have on hand.  Any guesses what it is??