Integrated amp upgrade

I'm using a Classé Audio CAP-151 to drive my Thiel CS 3.7s at the moment.
I'm not sure if i should upgrade, anyway if i do so i'm looking for a used integrated amp in the $2K to $3K price range with balanced inputs.
I've seen a Sugden IA4 for $3K and a Musical Fidelity KW 550 for $2,4K but it's not balanced.
If i upgrade it would have to be really worth it otherwise i'd rather keep my CAP-151.
I have someone who would like to buy my CAP-151 for $1,6K.

Since you are looking to make a significant upgrade in 2 years I would keep the Classe till then.
mesch yes i should be able to build my dream system in the near future with my present speakers, budget up to $80K.

Hey jafant what are you up to lately ?
Right now i'm investigating on Technical Brain.
Are you aware of that brand from Japan ?
Today i called the ditributor in France and we talked for an hour.
The preamp and monoblocks are unfortunately out of reach for most of us : $125K but the integrated would be worth a listen at $25K.
Therefore i will probably go see the distributor in april to audition the integrated.
He told me this integrated can easily compete with $50K worth of separates.
I don't know if it's in your price range but you might want to look at it for your CS 2.4SE.

From what I have read, JV gave a full endorsement in TAS, then took it back when he found just how unreliable the Technical Brain components were.  They were never mentioned again.