Plasma Aftermarket Power Cord

I am about to be delivered a Panasonic 42" EDTV Plasma display (pwd7uy)(yes they are coming down in price by the way)and was wondering if anybody had any thoughts as to if a better power cord would help improve the image of these displays?
I am a total believer in what aftermarket cords(own 4 VHAudio Flavor 4 gold Wattgates) have done and can do to my 2 channel audio realm but i don't have a clue when it comes to a display such as this.Any help would be greatly appreciated as usual : )
Maybe they can even be detrimental?
I plead ignorance but mercy once again!
Personally, I don't think an aftermarket chord will do much. The limiting factor will be your signal. Cable/Sat can be a bit funny.

I also have an EDTV (2-1/2 years old) Panasonic, and I love it. Nobody can tell the difference between the EDTV and true HDTV from the couch. Besides with the dearth of programming, you've saved a few thousand dollars.
I say to each his own on the edtv vs. hdtv, i have hdtv myself, and i think there is a big difference in resolution when viewing hd material. but for less money, you can still get the coolness of the hang on the wall tv, but just less resolution, on hd anyway, actually i've been told that with normal digital cable or dvd material, that sometimes edtv even looks better, so it really kinda depends on what type of viewing you do also.
I think you will find that putting some power conditioning between the wall and the plugs will make a bigger different then a cable. This is home theater not as reference hifi and the solutions are a bit different especially since Plasmas - but all TVs for that matter - thrive on clean AC.

Ideally you would have the Plasma on a separate circuit.

If the budget permits you can look at the BPT line, I am sure they could build you something good that will isolate your digital sources from the analog and the tv,

But closer at hand - especially after just popping for a new TV, Monster makes an inexpensive strip called the Powerbar which I can tell you from first hand experience will make an enormous difference. While I am a Venhaus fan too, at the end of the day the problem is bigger than one power cord can solve. Of course the combo is probably better yet.
do you mind sharing experience with power cord swapping on your plasma set?
Hi Seek,

I found that picture improvements could be had w/ a bybee purifier installed on your power conditioner--much more effective than cable swapping for this application. Also, the use of Quicksiver silver contact enhancer further brought the picture into focus--works well for audio too--better than Walker SST in my application.

