Schiit Yggdrasil Upgrades

It was brought to my attention the Yggdrasil has a Eye opening upgrade in the works .
Sometime possibly spring 2017 one reviewer mentioned killer dac--upgrade from a very Good source.
I already have  this dac on my wish list .and will buy as soon as it comes out.
No sence in buying now ,then have to send back in again.  It is already very good.  it will 
Make a lot of $$ companies very unhappy !!
I am only speaking what I know to be factual myself had the Gungnir multibit 
Upgraded and I got the idea from another guy locally that did thd Yggs .
You can't doubt whatever you wish the facts are thd facts.  Email Chris Johnson 
The tech ,owner of Parts connecxion he  will verify the Amtrans caps are Much better then the Average Wima caps. HALLUCINATIONS THEY ARE NOT.
All poly caps effect the signal path to some extent cumulative X12 . I have been modoing for over 15 years 
To knock something that works does not say much about your experience.

Chris can and will do your mods  you send the unit.I had Radu do the  soldering on these 221pf, and 331pf caps exactly the same size in the Yggs 12 vs 8 caps on main multi board.
I spoke with Chris before I bought the Amtrans Chris verified their Quality  vs the Wima.  I chose  local ELECTRONICS DESIGNER  Radu Tarta  to install my caps as well the Synergistic Black fuse. He will verify that. If any of you guys want to hear this upgraded dac
Email me I am in Massachusetts. 

I am way late to this game! I don't yet believe in fuses making a difference, but I have been wrong about cables, capacitors, etc., so I am not going to say that they can't, I just seriously question it. As for your by-pass caps, there is no way to argue that quieter DC doesn't improve sound in my experience, so if a capacitor is a better filter, it can absolutely improve the overall sound. It may not, better doesn't necessarily mean that a better filter capacitor is needed mind you, but there should be no doubt that if better filtration does provide quieter DC, then it is entirely possible that it can also improve the sound. Again, you can reach a point of diminishing returns,where the DC may already be so quiet that any further improvements may not even be audible. One point though, in a direct coupled circuit has a cap shorting to ground, you'll have no output as it will go to ground via the "shorted" cap. I understand what you were trying to say, but a cap "shorted" to ground is effectively a wire.