LaScalla "horn" sound compared to "maggie" sound

I am quite satisfied with the sound I have with my current system, but am looking for a little spice and variety in my life.  There is a set of circa 1977  LaScalas available in my part of the country and I wonder how the sound might be as compared to my current Magnepan 1.7 set up?  I know it is apples and oranges, but I like both.  Chocolate is my favorite ice cream, but I also like strawberry sometimes.

My general understanding, or perhaps misunderstanding, is that the Lascala/horn type of speaker has the wonderful life-like midrange, are quite dynamic, won't go real low in the bass region, and may be sweet or ragged on the top end depending on who you talk to, set up, and what you feed them.

I could go listen to these, but the sources are inferior and the room would be different from mine.  I really can't get a good grip on a different sound until I can sit back in the Hefty-Boy and assimilate it slowly.

Thanks in advance for any thoughts.

My current system is:

TT- VPI Classic 1 with Soundsmith Zephyr cart.
Phono stage- Herron Audio VTPH2
Digital/CD- Simaudio Moon Supernova
Preamp- Herron Audio VTSP3A
Power Amp- Bryston 4BSST2
Subs- Rel T5's
I haven't heard those LaScalla's since college. They were in a huge room record store. Because of that, I never considered buying them because I thought they needed space to open up.
Your Maggies are great speakers, I am considering buying a pair-despite being a Vandy man.
Do you have subs with the Maggies?

I say, go for it and consider it a learning process.

Thanks gdnbob.  Yes I'm running a set of REL T5's which vastly improved the top to bottom sound of the Maggies.
I wonder how the Bryston is going to play with LaScala.  I have heard various vintage LaScalas and Klipschorns, but always with tubes.  

We are talking about different animals, but in my home theater I have Klipsch KLF-20s.  I had them with a NAD amp for a very short while, but quickly hooked back up my super liquidy (i.e., colored!) sounding 90s-era Denon monoblocks.  Accounting for one coloration with another probably isn't the best approach, but my theater sounds great.  :)